One of my favorite people sent you…

If you’re reading this it’s because someone thinks the world would be a better place with more of you in it.

More of your gifts.

More of your heart.

More of your unfiltered presence.

And since that person is someone I trust and respect, you’re getting a free 1-hour coaching session to do just that.

There’s no sales pitch. And no expectation that you’ll want to do more coaching with me. Just a quick chance to step deeper into your true place in the world. Schedule your free session today:

(When you sign up it’ll ask who sent you, because they get a free session, too!)

This is what I wish I’d had a decade ago…

After co-founding businesses in Uganda and California, I burned out hard in my early 30s.

For the next 10 years I tried everything from a wilderness vision quest to a “stable” corporate job to find a more wholehearted way to live.

I became a certified professional coach because no one should have to make that journey alone.

But that doesn’t mean I’ll try to tell you what you “should” do. Instead I use gentle tools like Nonviolent Communication and Internal Family Systems to help us do three things:

  1. First we tune into the direction your longing is calling you
  2. Then we go to where your old survival patterns are blocking that direction
  3. Finally we compassionately shift those patterns so you can step courageously into a life you love

So you end up with: Confidence in your direction. Clarity on the steps that are yours to take. And the satisfaction of being more fully alive on the path of your own life.

Here’s what you can expect from our coaching together…


“The most necessary, easeful, and extraordinary coaching session. We cracked open what I need to emerge this new body of work.

“I’ve experienced very few people in this world who can listen deeply to what’s underneath the words. To be heard in this way is a gift.”

“I feel eternally grateful for some of the insights you helped me find – in particular how entrenched behavioral patterns were ‘protecting’ me from taking the very kinds of risks I’ve been searching for all along.”

Chris J.

“I pulled out a page of notes that I had taken last year during one of our sessions. Now it really feels like I’m living all the things that we talked about. It’s amazing how intentionality can set a trajectory! Our conversations were so helpful. Thank you.”


“My coaching with James took place during a time of uncertainty and exploration of options for career path, as well as seeking greater creativity in my life. It was an incredible gift.

–Dr. Dana Hercbergs, author of Overlooking the Border: Narratives of Divided Jerusalem

Finally step into the life that’s yours to live.

Together we’ll bring curiosity and compassion to the gap between where you stand right now and the deeper fulfillment you’ve been longing for.

So instead of a copy-and-paste plan that doesn’t fit your life, you move towards what truly brings you alive, and how that can serve the world. Because that’s the place of your deepest impact, and your greatest fulfillment.

Book your free session and get moving today: