Poetry is the language some part of me was always trying to speak. Below are some of the first poems I shared that people really responded to.
For the latest and best experience of my work, check out my new collection, The Wilderness That Bears Your Name.

“Every year they let go of
exactly what everyone says
is most beautiful about them
to save their own lives…”

What To Do After Voting
“Pledge your allegiance
to the mother down the street
whose kids have grown out
of their summer shoes again…”

Permission to Lose Interest
“How quickly
I abandon my enchantment, like it’s
a grenade about to bloom or a great eye
Pandemic Poems
As COVID locked us down and distanced us from the people we care about, I wrote a few poems to help me process what was happening.

“Look how this wilderness
swept in around us—
while we slept,
while we paid the rent,
while we ordered another round…”
Wedding Poems
We wanted our wedding ceremony to be a gift not only for us, but for our community. These poems are part of that gift.

The Space Between Us
“Don’t try to give me
all of yourself—
as if you would, as if
the wilderness that bears your name
is yours to give….”

Vows to the Mystery
“You will know
the Springs of life,
when the hidden seeds
of your deep longing
finally push their first shoots
into the light of your days…”
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