The Space Between Us

Don’t try to give meall of yourself—as if you would, as ifthe wilderness that bears your namewas yours to give. Instead let’s live like mountains: two worlds rooted together but each cutting its own shapeinto the changing sky. I’ll be the one to see you radiant in the morning light, and to watch as evening’s… Continue reading The Space Between Us

Categorized as Poetry

The First Promise

Sometimes you need to hidefrom everything you’ve promised to become, so you can find the first promise:the one you and the soft worldsang to each other down beneath the tall bushesalong the old stream bed,back when nobody knew exactly where you were,before the personeveryone needed you to belearned to find you even there. That place… Continue reading The First Promise

Categorized as Poetry

Permission to Lose Interest

Looking up through the windshield atdark wings and a white headcrossing high above I-5. “Just a seagull,” I hear myself say—permission tolose interest, permission to shut downthe aqueducts of wonder. How quickly I abandon my enchantment like it’sa grenade about to bloom or a great eyeopening. Because really I know that the shape of those… Continue reading Permission to Lose Interest

Categorized as Poetry

It’s in Everything

It’s in everything, this dancingof something that’s more than just life.Look at the trees near the shore,how they shimmy and wave over the bright face of the Salish Sea. Meanwhile the waters rush in—mad for the moon—and swirl aroundthe outstretched hand of the point,kissing the forehead of the beachbefore they rush back out again. I… Continue reading It’s in Everything

I will live in this world

I will live in this world. I will live in this world where the growing freedom of many provokes the hateful violence of a few. I will live in this world where bigotry must raise up demagogues for protection. I will live in this world where the road to love is besieged by bandits of… Continue reading I will live in this world

Categorized as Essay