Nobody Knew

Nobody knewthe cherry treeswould bloom today.How quietly they must havewhispered together,huddled in thedeepest ends of their rootsas winter’s death creptdown their branches.But slowly— as slowly as the Earthtilts her headback toward the Sun—a chorus grew, some ancient hymn of faith, and the lifethey’d been protectingtook heart and began to rise intoscarred trunksand broken branchesuntil all… Continue reading Nobody Knew

The Day Mary Oliver Died

There are treesin the forest near my homethat hold the world together,their roots marriedto the bones of the earth. The little boy in me knowsthey are eternal,the man I’ve becomehas seen them fallen,their ancient trunks softening,the border between themselves and everythingopening, slowly opening. If only she could tell us nowwhat it is to fall—how would… Continue reading The Day Mary Oliver Died

Categorized as Poetry


Now the leaves have fallen.The trees have pulled their alivenessback in from their branches,down into their fortress trunksand the dark, subterranean closenessof their roots. Every year they let go ofexactly what everyone saysis most beautiful about themto save their own lives. The time will come when you, too, have to drop all the ways you’ve… Continue reading Wintering

Let the Wind

Imagineif all you had to doto be beautiful was to let the wind dance you where you stand as you grow into the only shapeyou ever had. Here’s the little tree that helped inspire this poem: This little poem is about a shivering little tree near the top of a mountain. But it’s also about… Continue reading Let the Wind

Categorized as Poetry

Look to the Sky

I wrote this poem about a month ago while watching the sky one evening. It was based mostly on an intuition and a gathering sadness about all we’re losing in the world. I wasn’t sure if or how I was going to share it. But then today the New York Times published this article: Birds… Continue reading Look to the Sky

Categorized as Poetry

Vows to the Mystery

When Elizabeth and I were planning our wedding ceremony we wanted to acknowledge the uncertainty we were stepping into—the unknowable decades ahead, the mysterious ways we’d both change, the inevitable seasons of exile and loss right alongside those of connection and joy. So we decided to say a second set of vows. We called them… Continue reading Vows to the Mystery

Categorized as Poetry

The Space Between Us

Don’t try to give meall of yourself—as if you would, as ifthe wilderness that bears your namewas yours to give. Instead let’s live like mountains: two worlds rooted together but each cutting its own shapeinto the changing sky. I’ll be the one to see you radiant in the morning light, and to watch as evening’s… Continue reading The Space Between Us

Categorized as Poetry

The First Promise

Sometimes you need to hidefrom everything you’ve promised to become, so you can find the first promise:the one you and the soft worldsang to each other down beneath the tall bushesalong the old stream bed,back when nobody knew exactly where you were,before the personeveryone needed you to belearned to find you even there. That place… Continue reading The First Promise

Categorized as Poetry

Permission to Lose Interest

Looking up through the windshield atdark wings and a white headcrossing high above I-5. “Just a seagull,” I hear myself say—permission to lose interest, permission to shut downthe aqueducts of wonder. How quickly I abandon my enchantment, like it’sa grenade about to bloom or a great eyeopening. Because really I know that the shape of… Continue reading Permission to Lose Interest

Categorized as Poetry