Being stuck in a season of life that no longer fits is deeply frustrating.
You ache for a life that feels right, that actually lights you up, but every step towards it is bogged down in deep uncertainties…
- What else is out there for me?
- What do I actually love?
- What would I have to sacrifice to find out?
That’s why lots of people stay stuck for years and even decades. But here’s the truth as best I can see it:

The only path to your wholehearted life goes directly through all that uncertainty.
It’s in navigating the uncertainty that you discover…
- …confidence in your deepest gifts, and how they uniquely serve the world
- …a daily schedule that actually gives you life, instead of pushing you closer and closer to the cliff edge of burnout
- …the fulfillment of being both deeply known and deeply valued by your people
- …the satisfaction of living the life that’s yours to live (not just the one momentum carried you into)
But how do you get there from where you are now?
There’s no Google Map for this journey, but the world does offer us a profound model:

Every autumn the world plunges itself into mystery. Then every spring it emerges renewed.
That might sound like just another pretty metaphor, except for one important thing: You are a creature of this world.
The pattern of life, death, and renewal is baked into your fundamental capacities as a human being. In other words:
Some deep part of you knows how to do this.
You’re invited into…

The Wholehearted Season
The Wholehearted Season is a 3-month cycle dedicated to cultivating your wholehearted life and stepping courageously into it.
I’m your personal coach, thought partner, and co-wayfinder as you navigate toward a new season of clarity and aliveness.
But before you dive in, book a 1-hour “coffee session” so you can get a feel for what it’s like to work with me. There’s no sales pitch. No commitment. Just an hour on Zoom to get a deeper sense of direction for this season.
All it costs is enough for me to get a macchiato at my local coffee spot. Check open times and book here:
The Wholehearted Season is currently closed for new bookings, but you can still get the coaching you need. Get all the details here:
(or scroll down for more info)
The four temperate seasons give you a powerful archetype for this journey of wholehearted renewal:

In the fall you loosen your grip on your current identity, allowing what no longer serves you to fall away

During winter you reconnect with lost and forgotten parts of yourself that hold important pieces of your aliveness

Come spring you nurture these parts by practicing what you love, risking the vulnerability of being seen

Then in the summer you bring it all together into a full, wholehearted relationship with the world
But this journey isn’t linear. And it doesn’t follow a set timeline.
So instead of a standardized, one-size-fits-none program, you get a mix of structured curriculum and personalized 1-on-1 coaching. That way you always know which steps are yours to take. And you have the continual support to take them.
Here’s how it works:
- We’ll start with a deep dive “discovery session” to get clear on what’s most important to you to get out of this season.
- Each month you get two one-on-one coaching sessions to move in the direction your heart’s calling you. Together we bring compassion and curiosity to old patterns that no longer serve you. And we design action steps to move you deeper into wholeheartedness.
- You receive a weekly email curriculum that walks you through the natural cycle of transformation. Each lesson is a quick plunge into what the season’s offering you, and an invitation to apply it in your life. (And since they’re by email, they’re yours to revisit for life.)
- At the end of our three months together I’ll write you an original, personalized blessing poem to reflect back to you the person you’re becoming, and to echo the blessing the world has for you in this new season.
This is what I wish I’d had a decade ago…

After co-founding businesses in Uganda and California, I burned out hard in my early 30s.
For the next 10 years I tried everything from a wilderness vision quest to a “stable” corporate job to find a more wholehearted way to live.
I became a certified professional coach because no one should have to make that journey alone.
But coaching isn’t about telling you what you “should” do. Instead I use tools like Internal Family Systems and Nonviolent Communication to do two things:
- Tune into what you truly love and the direction your soul is pointing you
- And bring you compassionately into the place where your old survival patterns block your soul’s direction
Then together we gently shift those patterns so you can step courageously toward what you love.
Here’s what you can expect from our coaching together…

“The most necessary, easeful, and extraordinary coaching session. We cracked open what I need to emerge this new body of work.
“I’ve experienced very few people in this world who can listen deeply to what’s underneath the words. To be heard in this way is a gift.”
“I pulled out a page of notes that I had taken last year during one of our sessions. Now it really feels like I’m living all the things that we talked about. It’s amazing how intentionality can set a trajectory! Our conversations were so helpful. Thank you.”
“My coaching with James took place during a time of uncertainty and exploration of options for career path, as well as seeking greater creativity in my life. It was an incredible gift.“
–Dr. Dana Hercbergs, author of Overlooking the Border: Narratives of Divided Jerusalem
I wanna be honest with you…
Your journey won’t be finished after three months. This is a lifelong process of discovery and growth. But what you will have is clarity for your wholehearted path, and the tools to walk it with confidence, including:
🪴 A clear understanding of what truly brings you alive, and personalized strategies to grow more of it in your life.
😌 New ways to relate to the parts of yourself that are stuck and wounded, without getting shut down or overwhelmed.
🧭 A more confident sense of inner direction for your life.
🥾 And the satisfaction of knowing that you’re exactly where you need to be: on the wholehearted path of the one life that’s yours to live.
Cultivate the wholehearted life you’ve been longing for…
The Wholehearted Season gives you the structure and the individual support to move confidently into a new season of aliveness.
You’re getting:
- A deep-dive discovery session to chart your course
- 6 one-on-one coaching sessions (2 per month)
- 12 weekly email lessons with practical invitations (yours for life)
- Ongoing email support between sessions
- An original, personalized blessing poem to carry with you into seasons to come
But the first step is simple. Book a “Coffee Session” to get an hour of coaching with me for the price of a cappuccino.
No commitment. No sales pitch.
Just a chance for you to see what it’s like to work with me, and to get some clarity and action steps toward the life you’ve been longing for. Schedule your Coffee Session today:
The Wholehearted Season is currently closed for new bookings, but you can still get the coaching you need. Get all the details here:
If you decide you want to keep going after the Coffee Session, The Wholehearted Season is available on a sliding scale from $975 – $1,425 (payment plans available). And if not, I’ll be grateful I got the chance to meet you in this season.
Bookings are open through October 28th or until this cycle is full.
Have a question? Here are some answers…
How much time will this take every week?
You get an hour coaching session every other week and I’d set aside 30 minutes for the weekly email lessons. Then you’ll have coaching fieldwork, but that often ties into things you’re already doing (or want to be doing). So let’s call it 2 hours per week to be on the safe side.
How will the coaching sessions work?
The best way to understand coaching with me is like is to book a Coffee Session. At the beginning of each session I ask you what’s most important to you to make progress on, then we work towards clarity and action steps to get there.
All the coaching is done on Zoom (or by phone if that works better for you) so you can do it from anywhere.
I’m on Pacific time, so as long as you have some time that overlaps with my weekday working hours (evening in Europe, morning in Australia) then you’re good to go!
What if I have questions in between sessions?
You can always email me for clarification. And if an extra session would be helpful at some point, we can figure that out.
I did a Coffee Session with you a while ago. Can I do another one to check this out?
Yeah! Since this is a new offer, you’re welcome to book another coffee session to get a feel for it. I look forward to connecting again :)
I’ve already done some coaching with you. Can I skip the coffee session?
No problem. Just shoot me a message or reply to any of my emails and we’ll get you signed up.
Will this finally help me land my dream job?
Probably not right away… It’ll definitely help you get clear on what you love and how that fits in the world. But this isn’t career coaching. If your primary goal right now is to find a new job, this probably isn’t the right fit.
Can I get a refund if I decide it’s not for me?
I put a lot of time and effort into each client, so there’s no refunds for services you’ve already received. But I want to make sure you get the support you need, so here’s the deal:
🤝 If you’re not seeing noticeable clarity and momentum in the first month, just send me an email within 30 days of your purchase. I’ll cancel all future payments, and I’ll refund you a prorated amount for whatever you’ve already paid. Simple as that.
What happens at the end of the 3 months?
Our last session will help you integrate all you’ve discovered about the season you’re stepping into and the person you’re becoming as you do it. After that session I’ll write you a personal blessing poem to help reflect all that back to you. After that, if you’d like to keep coaching together we can set up a monthly rhythm that works for you. And if not, I’m always in your corner next time you need some support in your wholehearted journey.
That’s it! That’s all the info…
Thanks for being curious enough to read this far! If you’re still not sure it’s a good fit, don’t hesitate to book a coffee session. Even this one session can help you shift things quite a bit.
By the end of it you’ll have a much better idea what it’s like to work with me. And then if you decide it’s not for you, no hard feelings!
Check the open dates and book here:
The Wholehearted Season is currently closed for new bookings, but you can still get the coaching you need. Get all the details here:
Have a question I didn’t answer? Shoot me a message an I’ll get back to you pronto.